Where in the world? Give it a go… you might surprise yourself.

If you’re the type of person weighed down by the nagging notion that you are enduring a life unlived, then a move overseas could be just the ticket. Only those rare few that are completely content with their lot will have never been tempted, however fleetingly, by life overseas, yet those who actually make the move remain firmly in the minority. The majority dream, sigh, and move on with their current – unfulfilling – life.

However, most people should try living in another country at least once in their life for the following five reasons…

1. For the cultural immersion

Having experienced a new way of approaching things – be it work, weekends, Friday nights or even something as simple as putting the bins out – equips you in turn with a new way of looking at the world. This, in itself, is useful for building communication skills, empathy and consideration for others.

In short, experiencing life in another country makes you a more rounded person – usually for the better.

2. It builds character

Facing these new realities means you have to drag yourself out of your comfort zone, confront things you previously may have shied away from, and test yourself in situations you’ve either long left behind or never tackled head on.

You can really enhance who you are when living as an expat.

Learning a new language, understanding cultural idiosyncrasies, dealing with the kinks and nuances of a different country… all of this gives you a tougher skin, a better overview of how the world works, and an ability to read people – and yourself – much better.

3. It enhances your CV

CVs that stand out from an increasingly boisterous crowd usually do so because they tell the employer something about the individual that paints them in a good light. And few things look better on a CV than the ability to speak a second language, or the knowledge that this individual has faced the challenges of living as an expat, an immigrant, and has come out the other side the better for it.

The job world’s your oyster once you’ve lived overseas.

Living abroad equips you with an innate sense of self worth; an easy confidence that means you are comfortable in far more social and professional situations than you were previously. Which is a priceless trait for a would-be employer.

4. It broadens your horizons

While what makes you you won’t change while living abroad, the very fact that you are now exposed to new and different external influences shapes your character in often very subtle ways. You may become more punctual, more active, more inquisitive or more brave. You may worry less, laugh more, hold stronger opinions or learn to listen to others.

Whichever way the winds of change buffet your personality, the chances are that they will do so for the better, often even changing your tastes and political leanings. Go with it.

Feel the stress melt away when you live in another country.

5. For the freedom

There are few things more liberating than casting off the shackles of the UK and diving headlong into life in another country. Provided you aren’t moving to the USA, the chances are that you will work fewer hours in your new country, enjoy more holidays, longer summer evenings and a nation free from many of the petty rules that dictate daily life in the UK.

Sound far-fetched? It really isn’t. You cannot know until you try, but take it from this expat – life away from the UK, provided you are financially stable, will enrich your life in numerous ways, particularly when it comes to your own leisure and social time.